This will be a really quick post since, for whatever reason, I could not find this information out easy on the internet. The only reason I was able to find it is due to my great and good friend, Andres Buritica’s help. Starting a Django project, then an app gives you a which Django expects to house all the models. This does not seem like the best of ideas, so obviously I want to split up the models into their own files in a specific model directory. To accomplish this, you must do two things:

  1. Create a meta class for the model with a field “app_label” being set to the name of your app

  2. In your file, import that model.

For example, if you started an app by typing out ‘python startapp foo’, you can delete your file, replace it with a directory named models (what I do), and inside have an and files. in

from django.db import models

class Bar(models.Model):
    bar    = models.TextField(blank=False)

    class Meta:
        app_label = "foo"

then in

from Bar import Bar

This also goes for other things specified outside of the Django “norm” I guess? If I wanted to associate Bar with the admin, I create a subdirectory inside my app named admin, and inside it I have

from foo.models import Bar
from django.contrib import admin

Inside the for the admin subdirectory, you’d have:

import BarAdmin

Now I could be doing this all wrong but this is the only way I managed to get everything working. If there is a better way to do this, I am all ears. To you Django/Python professionals out there, this may be common knowledge but I am noobing it up right now trying to better learn Python and Django.