So welcome to the first real installment of my blog entries. As noted on other blogs, many blogs rarely get past the first post… maybe even up to the second. Well here I am on my third post on my blog and I haven’t even begun to get started, so I hope that is a good sign. My name is Mike Megally and this is my blog. I graduated from Loyola Marymount University with a Bachelors of Science in Computer Science. I am a terrible speller and have terrible grammar, so do not be too surprised when/if things like that show up.

The entire point of this thing was to try to convince me to work on my software projects in my own time. If I believe others are keeping track of my progress on whatever I am working on, it may give me just enough “umph” to continue working on things. Of course I will be posting links to download the whatever-it-is I am working on. I will be using this blog as a general blog about things. Well, that is the hope. Taking bets on how long this blog will last.

There are still a few things I want to finalize on this blog, so expect things to be changing a bit. A few of these ideas I have is figuring out a good syntax highlighter for code posted in a blog, as well as a method of distribution of code. I kind of don’t want to link a zip file with source and binary, however I feel a bit uncomfortable opening up my Subversion repository to the public with read only access. We’ll see. Also I didn’t want to use SourceForge since I do, in fact, use my personal Subversion repository for development and if anything would like to share my previous histories with whoever wants. Also to be very honest I have yet to sit down and read the licensing terms of SourceForge.

My inspiration for this blog is thanks to the Klooningames blog over at I don’t think I would have ever come up with this development blog if it wasn’t for that blog, and for that I am thankful. I just hope that I have enough willpower to continue with this blog.